Publication Details
East India Company
© Adam Matthew Digital, Ltd [2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024]
East India Company Module 1: Trade, Governance and Empire, 1600-1947, was first published in 2017.
East India Company Module 2: Factory Records for South Asia and South-East Asia, was first published in 2018.
East India Company Module 3: Factory Records for China, Japan and the Middle East, was first published in 2019.
East India Company Module 4: Correspondence: Early Voyages, Formation and Conflict, was first published in 2020.
East India Company Module 5: Correspondence: Domestic Life, Governance and Territorial Expansion, was first published in 2022.
East India Company Module 6: Board of Commissioners: Establishment of the Board was first published in 2024.
Source Archive:
- The British Library
Content Updates:
Upon publication of Module 6 in 2024, minor updates were made to editorial copy and Alternative Places Names.
Upon publication of Module 5 in 2022, minor updates were made to editorial copy and further contextual information was added to the Introduction.
The Chronology and Government Structure Chart were last updated in 2019.
All other editorial copy was last updated in 2019.